The treatment of choice for spinal subluxation is the chiropractic adjustment, as performed by a chiropractor. The goal of chiropractic care is the proper functioning of the whole body, including the nerves, organs, muscles and joints.
Chiropractic is a holistic approach to health that uses a thorough examination, including x-rays when necessary, to determine the method of adjustment for each individual.
The various chiropractic methods may include manual or mechanically assisted light force adjustments to the joints in the spine and extremities. Among these are Upper Cervical Methods including Grostic Procedure and Toggle Recoil, Diversified, Thompson, and Motion Palpation. Instrument adjusting methods include Activator and Pro-Adjuster. Soft tissue problems may be addressed with transverse friction style deep tissue muscle therapy (called “cross-fiber” myotherapy or CFMT).
Dr. Hoiriis is dedicated to providing gentle chiropractic adjustments to all patients, from infants to elderly using a variety of methods tailored to individual needs.

The Activator Methods developed by Dr. Arlan Fuhr is the second most widely-used chiropractic technique in the world. A combination of leg-check and isolation tests determines the level(s) of subluxation in the spine. Activator Method requires the use of the Activator Adjusting Instrument, a small handheld instrument with a soft rubber tip, to deliver light adjustments to the area in need of treatment.

This manual therapy is a low force technique that helps restore proper muscle tone as well as joint position. The fingertips are used to manipulate the muscle fibers and intramuscular fascia with quick, short transverse pressure (transverse friction). The reduced and balanced muscle tone resulting from this treatment allows the joints to move freely and return to the proper equilibrium. Cross Fiber Myotherapy is an excellent way to promote relaxation and provide relief from stress. This technique may be used alone or in addition to other adjusting methods.

Diversified technique is a collection of classic spinal adjustments that uses controlled force directed at the subluxated spinal segment. The technique may be used with a flat bench or with a table with “drop” sections. These adjustments often produce a small “popping” sound, known as cavitation, as the joint is restored to its correct position..

This method is a chiropractic adjustment performed on a table in which cushions drop an inch or two when a thrust is applied to the spine. Practitioners locate subluxations (dislocations or problems with the vertebrae) by checking leg length.

In motion palpation each spinal joint is analyzed for proper motion. The adjustment is aimed at removing restriction by providing a thrust in the opposite direction of fixation.

The Pro-Adjuster is an instrument for spinal analysis and adjustment. Analysis can determine joint stiffness, joint restrictions, joint motion is excessive (beyond its normal range of motion), or whether the movement is a normally smooth fluid or aberrant.

The upper cervical spine exerts a strong influence on the function of the nervous system. Slight subluxation in this area can contribute to a variety of health problems. There are various methods which address this region of the spine. Among these are Grostic Procedure, Chiropractic Orthospinology, and Toggle Recoil. These methods emphasize correct alignment between Occiput (C0), Atlas (C1), and Axis (C2) vertebrae using low force adjustments of Atlas. X-ray analysis is used to determine the direction and degree of misalignment, and to determine the proper corrective vector for the adjustment.

For specific chiropractic care during pregnancy , the Webster Technique is a specific light force chiropractic adjustment of the sacrum developed by Dr. Larry Webster in 1978. The method involves analysis of the relationship of the bony articulations and muscles of the pelvis and the structural correction is performed to relieve the musculoskeletal dysfunction related to intrauterine constraint. Intrauterine constraint has been described as any forces external to the developing fetus that obstructs the normal movement of the fetus.
The Webster Technique is intended to relieve a specific musculoskeletal condition, and is well within the chiropractor's scope of practice. The Webster Technique is not to be misconstrued as the practice of obstetrics and the chiropractor does NOT attempt to change the position of the fetus.
Dr. Hoiriis is listed in the ICPA database of chiropractors certified in the proper performance of the Webster Technique. (